Cut & Run Ground Blind

The Cut and Run is a two panel hub style blind designed for rapid deployment. It has no roof so you can adjust it to whatever width you need out to 108". Each panel has five windows three at the top and two on the bottom so that you can sit in a chair(top windows) or on the ground ( bottom windows)

In addition to all the great features Rhino Blinds full size Evolution XP-1 has the Cut and Run also features the following:

Light Weight
At 7 pounds the cut and run from Rhino Blinds is one of the most portable blinds on the Market.

Rapid Deployment
Rhino Labs Cut and Run blind sets up quick and gets you in the game.

Silent Window System
Rhino Blinds Cut and Run Blind features silent window technology.

Multiple Configurations
Rhino Blinds multiple windows (5 per Panel) gives you the option of sitting on the ground or using a stool.

Fits the Space you have
Rhino Blinds Cut and Run Blind gives you the option to open it up to a full 108” or make it as narrow as you like. Tie down stakes are included to prevent wind flap.

Factory Treated UV Blocker
Rhino Blinds are treated at the factory to kill the Blue White Glow caused by optical brighteners applied in the printing process which are easily seen by game animals and birds on untreated blinds.